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What Is a Usaid Cooperative Agreement

An FAA is a grant agreement in which USAID provides a certain level of support and payment is based on reaching milestones rather than the actual cost of the recipient. This type of assignment reduces some of the administrative burden and record retention requirements for the recipient and USAID. Accountability is primarily based on performance and results. It is important that the scope of the program is accurate and that reasonable cost, historical or price data is available to create an AAF with the assurance that the recipient will not realize an increase beyond the actual cost. USAID should be awarded by an FAA if programmatic outputs and results can be easily quantified in benchmarks or outcomes. Support is financial assistance from the U.S. government to an organization – through a grant or cooperation agreement – to help carry out a project that benefits the community and advances the goals of the U.S. Foreign Aid Act. Agency policy defines substantial participation as USAID, which is substantially involved in managing a cooperation agreement to help the recipient achieve the objectives of the agreement. USAID`s policy provides for four general areas of meaningful participation that are allowed: There are no deliverable, milestone-based (i.e., simplified or similar to those of the FAA). Leader with Associate (LWA) awards may be cooperation agreements, where applicable. Who decides what kind of help tool to use? If the organization is unable to reach an agreement with the officials mentioned above, contact our organization`s Ombudsman.

4. Yes – the participation proposed by USAID is considered a SUBSTANTIAL PARTICIPATION and, therefore, the appropriate implementation tool is a cooperation agreement. What distinguishes cooperation agreements? It is important to note that the Leader and Associate Awards are separate instruments. A commitment to the Leader Award is not transferable to the Associate Awards (nor transferable from the Leader Award Or other Associate Prizes) without the waiver and re-commitment of funds under USAID Policy. VLTs can be grants or cooperation agreements. Substantial participation is the only difference between a grant and a cooperation agreement. Notice! The elements of substantial participation allowed for each cooperation agreement are described in the procurement document. The AO may delegate responsibility for the essential element(s) of participation in the AOR. It is important to understand that substantial participation does not allow USAID to manage or monitor performance under the Cooperation Agreement.

The AO and AOR should closely consider the level of participation required as part of a support bonus, as USAID may be involved to some extent in the program; However, it cannot apply single procurement rules or administrative practices to support. (1 MB) Infographic: What exactly is a cooperation agreement? The 1977 Federal Grant and Cooperation Agreements Act (FGCAA) provides for two broad categories of support – grants and cooperation agreements – which differ in the degree of involvement of USAID AOR in the activity and the degree of authorized management of the award. Although there are some differences within each category, the essential characteristics of each major type of support instrument are similar. In each appeal, USAID specifies the criteria it uses to make an award decision (including technical and cost/price factors) and specifies the relative importance of each factor. When an AO publishes a call for an LWA, noFO will indicate that the competition covers both the initial Leader Award and all subsequent associated prizes. NOFO will also set a cap on the total amount of funding for the Leader Prize, as well as the cap on all associated prizes. These amounts cannot be exceeded without justification to limit eligibility for USAID ADS 303. Conventions may allow other types of supervision by bodies with a limited scope and which are suitable for supporting instruments by including specific conditions based on the results of a risk assessment. 4.

Power of the Agency to immediately cease a construction activity. USAID may include the following statement: „AO may immediately cease construction if the identified specifications are not met.” Specifications must be attached to the markup when it is executed. Keep in mind that significant participation is limited to four potential areas: Your organization may be contacted by a contract or contract agent (CO/AO) if your proposal or request is considered for an award. CO/AO is your organization`s most important point of contact for doing business with USAID. IPs must be aware of regulatory prohibitions in order to receive support: 1. Approval of recipient implementation plans. If the program description does not provide a sufficiently detailed timeline at the time of award, USAID may require approval of the recipient`s implementation plan at a later date. This authorisation shall not be granted more frequently than once a year. Where this authority is delegated to the AOR, the AOR must ensure that the implementation plan does not inadvertently alter the terms of the award. Note that the selection of the instrument can also be negotiated between AO and the receiver. In order to streamline competitive procurement procedures, these issues should be clarified in the question and answer phase of a NOFO before the deadline for submission of applications.

1. UsaID AO has determined that a support premium is appropriate. As mentioned earlier, the ROAs recommend and the AO should select the appropriate implementation tool based on the FGCAA. The decision must be based primarily on the primary purpose of the relationship created by the specific transaction, as described in USAID Policy (ADS 304). In order for the WA to determine the appropriate instrument, it must determine the nature of the relationship between USAID and the recipient and the intended purpose of the award. Acquisition is the purchase of goods and services – through a contract – for the use or benefit of the Agency. USAID proposes a „transfer of everything of value” to support the recipient`s program. . USAID defines the expected results for various activities that can be funded through an A&A award. Organizations interested in working with us submit a proposal in response to a call that describes the program and explains how USAID will make its decision. 3. Cooperation between the Agency and the beneficiary or joint participation.

Wa may authorize the collaboration or joint participation of USAID and the recipient if the Agency believes that its technical knowledge will contribute to the achievement of the program`s objectives. There should be sufficient reason for USAID to participate – and it must be adapted to support specific areas of the program description. Note that blue-chip AFAs do not have dollar restrictions for U.S. and non-U.S. states. Main receiver. USAID conducts market research to explore different ways to achieve our development goals and gather information on local capacity, small business participation, and the feasibility of our expected needs. One way to do this is through a request for information (RFI). For more information, see ADS 302. What factors are taken into account when deciding on the type of award? (3 MB) Guidance from an implementing partner on the types of support instruments Potential areas with significant participation are limited to the following four elements: In general, USAID does not favour one type of support instrument over another. The nature of the program, the nature of the relationship between USAID and the recipient, and the capacity of the recipient are the main determinants of the type of instrument. For example, if a local partner has little or no experience in managing USAID or other government programs and funds of foreign aid organizations, but has extensive experience in a particular program area and can easily predict program costs associated with separate benchmarks, a fixed-amount premium (AAF) would be the preferred instrument.

USAID uses different types of tools to fund aid programs. Implementing partners (IPs) need to understand the characteristics of each individual instrument, as the type of instrument chosen can impact both allocation planning and management responsibility. A Leader with Associate (LWA) award includes the presentation of a Leader Award that covers a specific global activity. The Leader Award includes language that allows an assignment or other office to award one or more separate awards, called the Associate Award, to the leader Award recipient without taking advantage of limited eligibility. The Associate Award must be consistent with the terms and scope of the Leader Award program description and must support a specific local or regional activity. USAID pays when predetermined milestones are reached. Developed by the USAID/India Regional Office of Financial Management and Regional Office of Acquisition and Assistance and the Central and South Asia Acquisition and Assistance Innovation Lab to support local capacity building. .